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Table Bears, Microfairies, and Abbreviation Dust

Commentary, in a round-about kind of way, on the requirement of using the abbr element in hCalendar microformats - a way of adding extra data to calendar-like information, such as those for events.

Have you ever been lost in a markup forest surrounded by hungry, ferocious table bears? Your only hope for survival is to call on the help of the cute yet oh-so-powerful microfairies. But what's that? They can't help you? Their magical abbreviation dust won't work on the table bears? Oh no! What to do?!

Take a look at these tables, and see if you can spot which ones demonstrate good usage of semantic HTML and which don't.

Table A - Implicit dates

As used by sensible gnomes.

Friday 27th April, 2007
Time Track 1 Track 2
10am Blah Blah
11am Blah Blah
12pm Blah Blah
1pm Blah Blah
2pm Blah Blah
3pm Blah Blah
4pm Blah Blah
5pm Blah Blah

Table B - Explicit dates

As used by mad pandas.

Friday 27th April, 2007
Time Track 1 Track 2
10am Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
11am Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
12pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
1pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
2pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
3pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
4pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah
5pm Friday 27th April, 2007 Blah Blah

Table C - Abbreviated explicit dates

As might be used by hCalendar microformats elves.

Friday 27th April, 2007
Time Track 1 Track 2
10am Blah Blah
11am Blah Blah
12pm Blah Blah
1pm Blah Blah
2pm Blah Blah
3pm Blah Blah
4pm Blah Blah
5pm Blah Blah

Question: Is Table B tip-top and dandy in the candy floss garden?

If the answer is no, then neither is Table C, which conveys the same information.

What? So that would mean that we can't use hCalendars in this situation!

Microfairies! Can this be true?!

Oh, why did those microfairies insist on bringing abbreviation dust?

But maybe it's not too late - if they zip on back to their pink sponge hovel to retrieve some of that fine generic dust, the forest could still be saved from the rampaging bears! Then they could even turn those rabid wolves into poodle puppies, and do so many other lovely gay happy skippy things!

Following a misunderstanding or two, I would like to highlight that in the same way table bears relate to tables and poodle puppies relate to improved elements of web design, microfairies relate to microformats, not members of the microformat community.