CSS Property: background
Background color and image characteristics.
A shorthand property that combines:
Possible Values
A list of background characteristic sub-values. Possible sub-values follow the same rules as possible values for corresponding aforementioned properties. The sub-value list follows a specific format:
[image] [position] /
[size] [repeat] [attachment] [origin] [clip] [color]
Full example: url("bg.jpg") 20% 0% / contain repeat-y fixed content-box padding-box #fff
Not all values are required:
- If only one of background-clip or background-origin portions is included, that value will apply to both clip and origin characteristics.
- Any other excluded values will default to their initial value.
- The “
” is only used to separate position and size portions. If background-size is excluded, “/
” is not required.
Basic example: url("bg.jpg") 20% 0% repeat-y fixed #fff
Minimal example: url("bg.jpg") #fff
, initial
, or unset
can also be used on their lonesome.
Multiple backgrounds
Multiple backgrounds can be applied by separating each background value list with a comma. The first background will be applied on top, “nearest” to the user. Subsequent images will be applied underneath the background that comes before it.
The background-color portion should only be applied to the final background specified.
Example: url("upperImage.png") 0 0 no-repeat, url("lowerImage.png") right repeat-y #fff;
.shorthand1 { url("bg.jpg") 20% 0% / 99px 33px repeat-y fixed content-box padding-box #fff; }
/* ...is the equivalent of... */
.longhand1 {
background-image: url("bg.jpg");
background-position: 20% 0%;
background-size: 99px 33px;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-origin: content-box;
background-clip: padding-box;
background-color: #fff;
.shorthand2 { background: fuchsia; }
/* ...is the equivalent of... */
.longhand2 {
background-color: fuchsia;
background-image: initial; /* (none) */
background-position: initial; /* (0% 0%) */
background-size: initial; /* (auto) */
background-repeat: initial; /* (repeat) */
background-attachment: initial; /* (scroll) */
background-origin: initial; /* (padding-box) */
background-clip: initial; /* (border-box) */