JavaScript Tutorials
While, generally speaking, HTML is for content and CSS is for presentation, JavaScript is for interactivity.
Originally designed for adding small amounts of interactivity to a page (like hovers and animations - you know the kind of thing), JavaScript is now used for almost anything up to large applications and games, and can even be found in servers.
JavaScript Beginner Tutorial
An introduction to programming in general, through the medium of JavaScript.
- Making Stuff Happen: Applying JavaScript and using the console.
- Variables and Data: How to create variables and how you use them. Strings!
- Doing Math: Using variables to store and use numbers.
- Logic: True and false.
- Conditional: If and but… no, or else… oh no I’m confused now.
- Looping: While do for while do for while do for… argumentum ad nauseam.
- Functions: Creating functions, using them, passing data in and out.
- Objects: Properties, methods. Inspecting objects.
- Arrays: Getting elements out, putting them back in. How long is a piece of string?
JavaScript Intermediate Tutorial
Pushing JavaScript that little bit further.
- The DOM: The DOM as a tree of elements. Parents and children. Mummies and daddies. How babies are made… wait, wrong site.
- Events and Callbacks: Event-driven programming. Listening for events, and acting on them with callback functions.
- AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML? What? Why?
- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. And the Argonauts.
- Scope: What scope is and how JavaScript, yet again, does it differently.
- jQuery: What’s a DOM library for and why would you choose jQuery?
- jQuery: DOM API:
. That is all. - jQuery: AJAX:
, and$.ajax
. - jQuery: Other Tricks: DOMContentLoaded, Load, and Type Checking.
JavaScript Advanced Tutorial
A set of articles covering advanced JS techniques.
- Object-Oriented Code: Classes and instances. Behaviour encapsulation. Using constructors and the
keyword for creating instances of objects. - Creating Elements: Inserting elements into the DOM and the associated pitfalls.
- Canvas: Painting and animating on the newfangled HTML 5
element. - Local Storage: Saving things across refreshes. Browser support and limitations.
- Errors and Exceptions: Throwing all our toys out of the pram.
- Regular Expressions: /(some|no)thing/i of interest. Matching and replacing.
- Closures: What is a closure? Why are they incredibly powerful?
- Node.js: Javascript… on the server? What is this madness?
- JS Apps: Ideas and techniques for building larger scale, client-side JavaScript applications.
- Backbone: A short introduction to BackboneJS. Building a (very) simple app and showing how Backbone does MVC.
- Angular: As above, but with Angular.