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CSS Selectors

Every CSS selector, taken from the latest CSS3 standard.

Basic selectors

Selector Description Example
element Type selector. Matches an element. p { color: red }
/* matches paragraphs */
.class Class selector. Matches the value of a class attribute. .warning { color: red }
/* matches elements containing class="warning" */
#id ID selector. Matches the value of an id attribute. #warning { color: red }
/* matches elements containing id="warning" */
* Universal selector. Matches everything. * { color: red }
/* matches everything */

Attribute selectors

Selector Description Example
[attribute] Matches elements containing a given attribute. a[href] { color: red }
/* matches a elements with an href attribute */
[attribute="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a given value. a[href="/sitemap/"] { color: red }
/* matches a elements with the attribute and value href="/sitemap/" */
[attribute~="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a value that contains a sub-value within a space-separated list. abbr[title~="Style"] { color: red }
/* matches abbr elements with a title that contains 'Style' (such as in title="Cascading Style Sheets") */
[attribute|="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a value that contains a sub-value within a hyphen-separated list. html[lang|="en"] { color: red }
/* matches html elements with a lang attribute that contains 'en' (such as in lang="en-gb") */
[attribute^="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a value that starts with something. a[href^="http://"] { color: red }
/* matches a elements with an href attribute, the value of which begins with 'http://' */
[attribute$="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a value that ends with something. a[href$=".com"] { color: red }
/* matches a elements with an href attribute, the value of which ends with '.com' */
[attribute*="x"] Matches elements containing a given attribute with a value that contains something. a[href*="htmldog"] { color: red }
/* matches a elements with an href attribute, the value of which contains 'htmldog' */


Selector Description Example
:link Matches a link that has not been visited. a:link { color: blue }
:visited Matches a link thas has been visited. a:visited { color: purple }
:active Matches an element that is being activated, such as a link being clicked on. a:active { color: red }
:hover Matches an element whose box is being hovered over by a cursor. a:hover { text-decoration: none }
:focus Matches an element that has focus, such as one that has been tabbed to. a:focus { border: 1px solid yellow }
:target Matches an element that has been linked to (via <a href="#x"…, for example). h2:target { color: red }
/* matches a second-level heading that has been linked to */
:lang() Matches an element of a given language. p:lang(fr) { color: red }
/* matches paragraphs that are declared, or otherwise considered, as French */
:first-child Matches the first child of an element. p:first-child { color: red }
/* matches the first child, if it is a paragraph, of an element */
:last-child Matches the last child of an element. div p:last-child { color: blue }
/* matches the last child, if it is a paragraph, of an element */
:first-of-type Matches the first sibling of its type in an element. li:first-of-type { color: red }
/* matches the first instance of a list item inside an element */
:last-of-type Matches the last sibling of its type in an element. li:last-of-type { color: blue }
/* matches the last instance of a list item inside an element */
:nth-child() Matches an element that is the ordinal number child of its parent. p:nth-child(3) { color: red }
/* matches the third child, if it is a paragrpah, of an element */
:nth-last-child() Matches an element that is the ordinal number child, in reverse order, of its parent. p:nth-last-child(2) { color: blue }
/* matches the next-to-last child, if it is a paragraph, of an element */
:nth-of-type() Matches an element that is the ordinal number sibling of its type. li:nth-of-type(5) { color: red }
/* matches the fifth instance of a list item inside an element */
:nth-last-of-type() Matches an element that is the ordinal number sibling, in reverse order, of its type. li:nth-of-type(5) { color: red }
/* matches the next-to-last instance of a list item inside an element */
:only-child Matches an element if it is the only child of its parent. article p:only-child { color: red }
/* matches a paragraph if it is the only child of an article element */
:only-of-type Matches an element if it is the only sibling of its type. article aside:only-of-type { color: blue }
/* matches an aside element if it is the only aside element in an article element */
:empty Matches an element with no children, or content. td:empty { border-color: red }
/* matches table data cells with nothing in 'em */
:root Matches the root element of a document. This will be the html element in HTML. :root { background: yellow }
:enabled Matches form control elements that are not disabled. input:enabled { border-color: lime }
/* matches input elements that are not disabled */
:disabled Matches form control elements that are disabled. input:enabled { border-color: red }
/* matches input elements that are disabled */
:checked Matches a radio or checkbox type input element that is checked. input:checked { outline: 3px solid yellow }
/* matches checked input elements */
:not() Negotiation pseudo-class. Matches an element that does not match a selector. p:not(:first-child) { color: orange }
/* matches paragraphs that are not first children */


Selector Description Example
::first-line Matches the first textual line in an element. p::first-line { font-weight: bold }
/* matches the first line in a paragraph */
::first-letter Matches the first letter in an element. p::first-letter { font-size: 2em }
/* matches the first letter in a paragraph */
::before Used with the content property to generate content before the initial content of an element. h1::before { content: "*" }
/* places an asterisk at the start of a top-level heading */
::after Used with the content property to generate content after the initial content of an element. h1::after { content: "+" }
/* places a plus-sign at the end of a top-level heading */
Targeting the first letter, and first line, using pseudo-elements.


Selector Description Example
selector selector Descendant combinator. Matches elements that are descendants of another element. aside p { color: red }
/* matches paragraphs inside elements containing class="warning" */
selector > selector Child combinator. Matches elements that are children of another element. .warning > p { color: red }
/* matches paragraphs that are children of elements containing class="warning" */
selector + selector Adjacent sibling combinator. Matches elements that immediately follow another element. h1 + * { color: red }
/* matches the first element to follow a top-level heading */
selector ~ selector General sibling combinator. Matches elements that follow another element. h2 ~ p { color: red }
/* matches every paragraph that follows a second-level heading */