Background Images
Used in a very different way to the img
HTML element, CSS background images are a powerful way to add detailed presentation to a page.
To jump in at the deep end, the shorthand property background
can deal with all of the basic background image manipulation aspects.
body {
background: white url( no-repeat top right;
This amalgamates these properties:
, which we have come across before.background-image
, which is the location of the image itself.background-repeat
, which is how the image repeats itself. Its value can be:repeat
, the equivalent of a “tile” effect across the whole background,repeat-y
, repeating on the y-axis, above and below,repeat-x
(repeating on the x-axis, side-by-side), orno-repeat
(which shows just one instance of the image).
, which can betop
, a length, or a percentage, or any sensible combination, such astop right

It can actually be used to specify a few other background features too, notably attachment, clip, origin, and size (see the background
property reference for the nitty-gritty), but let’s not get carried away just yet — color, image, repeat, and position are by far the most fundamental aspects that you would want to manipulate most often.